Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Get a free copy of the eBook and get in early on the fun!

Now you have the opportunity to obtain a FREE copy of the eBook version of THE UNOBSERVABLE UNIVERSE when it is released in just a few weeks!  Just follow the Facebook link along the left side of the screen or click on this link to “like” my page: 

I will rely on the scientific method and the review of peers to either refute or validate any assertions, hypotheses, or theories I propose in my book.  I’m offering to put a copy of the eBook in your hands for free so early readers of the book can review its content without spending a cent.  By doing this, I hope to disperse my thoughts and theories out into public awareness more readily so the discussion and debate can begin.  That’s when the fun really begins!

So many of us share a common and deep, abiding interest in understanding the nature of our universe and the drive to make a contribution toward humankind’s millennia-old quest to comprehend our world.

Researchers and readers of cosmology like yourself may not completely agree with the approach proposed by any single endeavor, yet I commend the effort made by each person to attempt a better understanding, as well as your willingness to share it with others.  It’s terribly difficult and scary for anyone to make themselves vulnerable to the criticism and review of others; the scientific community has certainly been known to be rather harsh at times, even when it’s been completely in the wrong.
However, the scientific method itself would become worthless if no one volunteered to come forward with new ideas, methods and schemes by which to attempt to overcome the limited understandings of the day.  I, too, may not agree with the thoughts and propositions offered within every book I have read on the subject of cosmology, but I’m delighted that others expended the time, resources and energy to think about problems that keep so many of us awake at night and then to take the bold step of sharing their thoughts with us.  Indeed, scientific progress depends on the boldness of individuals such as these – and others like you who are willing to engage in this exciting process.

And so, I will soon release my own book on the subject and I’m really looking forward to the lively debate that I believe it will stir.  I invite everyone to share their comments and thoughts − supportive or critical − with me and the other readers of this blog to ensure that we have an inclusive, open, frank discussion.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

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