Thursday, March 3, 2011

Debut of the cover art for The Unobservable Universe

Here it is: The book cover design for The Unobservable Universe! 

The design was a collaboration among Rosalie Huang (, Catherine Rourke (, and me.  I'm very pleased with the way it turned out!  In fact, I intend to submit the design to book cover contests and competitions and see how it stacks up.  I'll keep my readers posted. 

I'd really like to hear your comments on the design.  You can follow this blog or post your comments on it at


  1. The back cover background is beautiful, but as far as fonts go, your designers really could have done better than the standard Times New Roman/serif font in the subtitle and paragraph. I like the juxtaposition of the red and blue glowing orbs shapes, though.

  2. Thanks for the comments! The cover will soon be undergoing refinements and comments such as yours are very helpful to the design process. The new cover may begin shipping before the end of 2011.
