Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Update: This was a busy day!

I completed the first proof reading of the manuscript and returned the final comments and revisions to the editors.  I'm exceedingly pleased with the way the book is turning out.  A "Links" page has been added to the book's web site to help readers delve further into the topics covered in the book.  I also approved production of the book mark which will be printed this week.  (Everyone who pre-orders a copy of the paperback book at will receive a signed book mark to show my appreciation!) 

If all goes really well, then some key events are expected to occur next week including the final formatting of the paperback version and its upload to the printing house; the formatting, uploading, and release of the eBook; and the start of the audio book production. 

I'm definitely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

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