What astounded me most was the fact that only a handful of concepts appeared to underlie the whole heap of paradoxes, mysteries, complexities and misunderstandings. I had a respectable 70K words or so, at this point, so no one would have criticized me for providing an anemic book with too few thoughts or words.
But, once I had isolated what appeared to me to be the root elements preventing a comprehensive understanding of our universe, I really couldn't exercise sufficient self-restraint, so I proceeded to add one more section to the book. I wanted to see what would happen if I played around with subtle, understated refinements to these concepts. I wanted to see what would happen if I made some subtle tweaks to current scientific doctrine and yet remained consistent with scientific observations.
Paramount among the fundamental concepts was the need for a precise, unambiguous, objective, properly universal definition of “observer,” which oddly enough seemed to be lacking even though it represents the crux of both relativity and quantum mechanics. I found lots of circumstantially convenient, vague, subjective definitions but nothing terribly useful. This became the first step in my process.
During the final 50K words, I found and presented a single set of modest adjustments from which no paradoxes emerged. With these tweaks, the paradoxes of the universe just don't appear. Poof! Quite frankly, it was the last thing in the world I had expected.
As boring as it might, at first, seem to live in a universe without paradox, the universe appeared a strikingly more exciting place to me as it appeared to become understandable.
It seems to me that the consequences of the insights I propose potentially impinge on many or all facets of our current understanding of our universe.
Or maybe not, and I'm simply thoroughly and entirely wrong, which seems like a real possibility to me, too.
Nonetheless, I was willing to take a stab at it and leave it to others to evaluate and debate my thoughts. My hope is to get people thinking in new directions and pump some new life into increasingly stale cosmological discussions. Of course, my biggest hope is to be completely correct in every single thing I say in the book, but I'm just another flawed observer any way you look at it, so that's not the most likely outcome.
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